7 Unbelievable Facts About Treadmills You Don't Know
People use a treadmill for home use in India to stay fit and in shape. When we think of the word ‘Treadmill’, we get visuals of people running on a machine and looking very exhausted but fit. Surprisingly, the earliest version of treadmills was not invested for the same purpose.
In this blog, we will look at some unbelievable facts about treadmills you don’t know about.
Unbelievable Facts About Treadmill
Over the years, many features have been added to an electric treadmill, and today, it is a smart running machine. Some unbelievable acts about Treadmill are as follows:
- Earlier, when the machine was not in the form in which we see it now, the treadmill was used to grind grains. The physical efforts of humans and animals were used for this process. These machines were installed in prisons and were used as punishment.
- Ancient Romans Treadmill-like machines for construction purposes. Many cathedrals and castles of Europe were also made in the same way.
- The first patent for the treadmill was issued in 1913, and it was used as exercise equipment for patients with heart and lung diseases.
- For many years, treadmills were only used in hospitals, physiotherapy centres, sports facilities, rehab centres, physical training clubs, and at NASA.
- With certain changes in the treadmill design used at Hospitals, the treadmill for the public was introduced as an exercising machine.
- There are specially designed treadmills for horses, cats, lions, dogs, and many other animals so that they can walk after recovering from an accident.
- The first productive use of the treadmill for to draw water from wells with the help of animals.
Today we have advanced electric treadmill machines that can be used for intense and regular workouts by people of all ages. At Sketra, we offer you with advance treadmills that are made from quality material.
Also Read - Portable Treadmill
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